Clear Sign Redesign

About Clear Sign
Clear Sign is a digital mortgage closing platform that is used by Rocket Mortgage. It was specifically created for the mortgage closing experience, and offers options for both in-person and remote closing needs.

Project Overview

Our goal was to re-imagine what Clear Sign could be like from a mobile first approach, specifically for our remote closing experience. I worked with another designer to perform parallel designs to maximize possible solutions.

My Contributions

I worked on a parallel design option that included new ideas for our Signer and Notary paths within the product. Our starting point was to organizing feedback we received through our NPS surveys, any data we had on session interactions through google analytics, conducting a thorough competitive analysis, and establishing a usability baseline within the current product through usability studies and the previously mentioned data.
Amrock, LLC
UX Designer
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022 (Unfinished)

Determining the existing Problem(s)

The first step I took was to better understand where the shortcomings existed within our current version of the application, I wanted to make sure we weren't missing expectations that may already exist and make sense to carry over.

Usability Study

With multiple sources of data, and wanting to create a baseline of our current product I set up a study to review the full experience while using the Remote option before reviewing the rest of the data we had.

I defined our research goals, along with noting some assumptions that we had about the experience. The unmoderated test was conducted using, it was sent out to a total of 7 people within our expected criteria of users.

Based on the results of the study, we noted that the testers had rated the check-in process to be easy, yet they were hesitant on what to do once completing it. The overall recommendations made for the current process were the following:
  • Explore updating and clarifying expectations on the Audio/Video page.
  • Look into reducing redundant pages/information that doesn't help the process and could make it feel longer than necessary.
  • Create better expectations when returning to the lobby page. This should be clear as to what next steps are, and that the user completed check-in.
A powerpoint slide that shows the details of the research planA powerpoint slide that shows the assumptions designer had about the product before testing.A powerpoint slide that shows insights for the lobby pageA powerpoint slide that shows the recommendations for potential changes

Analyzing the other data

This is always the time consuming part, sifting through and categorizing anything and everything we can find that might be related to the experience. We mainly used a spreadsheet for the majority of categorizing the information we had from our NPS surveys and support tickets to track, categorize, and link back to comments, as we were pulling data from different systems.

The easiest part was compiling the info around the competitive analysis and going through google analytics to grab useful info like: clicks, time on pages, drop off points, downloads, and similar.

Going through the rest of the data, we did start to see some patterns. Where failure points existed, concerns that existed for the user's information, next steps, and technical issues. The overall takeaways that would be in the forefront of new ideas were:
  • How can we reduce interaction with our processes? Do we need all the steps that are currently involved?
  • Understand that content needs to be useful and precise, no filler needed.
  • Ensure the user has awareness and access to help at all times.
  • Make sure the user always know what do to, and what to do next.
Collection of screenshots for competitive analysis

New Ideas

Clear Sign has two major events within the platform. A pre-signing portal, which is where a user can view and interact with documents prior to their mortgage closing, and the closing room. The closing room is where users have to go through a check-in process to verify who they are, check that their webcam, speakers, and microphone work, along with signing their documents on a video conference with a notary or lawyer.

Taking both of these events into consideration, the idea of moving as much as possible out of the closing room and into the pre-signing portal may reduce some friction for the user. This was the approach that I focused on.

Note: This is doable because the majority of documents that need to be signed, don't require any oversight or interaction with a notary/lawyer and a normal electronic signature is enough proof.

Other than basic heuristics and the research findings, these are the ideas and areas that I focused on while putting together the new experience:
  • What can we automate so that user doesn't have to interact as much?
  • Can we move any processes out of the closing process? (Is there another point in the mortgage process this can take place?)
  • What information does the user need to succeed? Do they need educational info (tips, quick reference access, etc...)while going over documents?
  • Make sure the user always know what do to, and what to do next.
  • Users concerned about how to get access to signed documents after the closing
  • How to solve for questions during the closing? (notary can't give clarification on any documents by law, only able to explain the purpose of documents, not contents)
  • How to show the status of all users and the status of different closing events (pre-sign, check-in, scheduled closing time)

Updating the closing room

The notary during a mortgage closing is generally considered the facilitator, as such, I wanted to make sure that their needs were met from a professional standpoint as well as that of a user. The designs evolved from displaying basic information, to gradually adding in the status on users, and their journeys through their check-in.

Updating the pre-signing portal

The idea here was to provide enough instruction on what the user needs to accomplish, as well as giving them the ability to have more confidence through contextual information.

What next?

Unfortunately this was the point I was laid off. I'd like to believe that the team took these and evaluated them with testers, then continued to iterate based on insights learned. We may never know though.